Love Your Miles

Your MileMeter

Everything you need to know

Install my MileMeter

Your MileMeter plugs into your car’s OBD-II port. It sounds complicated, but it’s basically a car’s plug socket which is usually found below the steering wheel in the footwell.

If you need help locating your OBD port, click on the button below and enter your vehicle details.

MileMeter data

Once you’ve plugged in the MileMeter, it will keep track of your miles and we’ll send you regular updates about when a top up will be due.

You can also see how many miles the car has travelled and how many miles are left till a top up is required by downloading the Love Your Miles app.

Returning Your MileMeter

Did you know we recycle your MileMeter after you’ve finished with it? Help us to help our environment and reduce plastic waste by unplugging your device and sending it back to us.

To make it really easy, we’ll post you a pre-paid envelope so you can return the MileMeter to us within 7 days of your policy ending.