Love Your Miles

Cookie Policy

Protecting your information is important to us. We use cookies on our websites to help make visit to our site more effective, however any cookies used on our site will not contain personally identifiable information about you.

So why do we use Cookies?

Cookies create a better customer journey on websites.

Cookies are small text files placed on your computer by websites or sometimes by emails. They provide useful information to companies which for you, means you can use the site more efficiently and save time by not having to re-enter your details each time you visit. They also make sure you receive the most relevant information. Cookies also allow us to see how customers are using the site so we can make improvements.

Cookies Used on Our website

Session cookies that are deleted after each visit.
Persistent cookies that remain in place across multiple visits to our sites.
Third party cookies that are used by our approved business partners.

Some of these cookies are essential, some are optional.

Essential Cookies

Certain cookies are necessary in order for you to use our websites. These are used ‘in-session’ each time you visit and then expire when you leave the site. They’re not stored on your computer and they don’t contain any personal data. However, you can delete them via your browser if you wish to, but this will restrict the functions that you’re able to carry out on our sites.

Essential cookies and how we use them:

Session cookies

These enable you to carry out some essential functions on our sites, such as maintaining log in details for the session or a transaction. They also help by minimising the need to transfer information across the Internet. They are not stored on your computer and they expire when you terminate your browser session.

Tracking cookies

These enable us to recognise repeat visitors to the site. By matching an anonymous, randomly generated identifier, we’re able to record specific browsing information such as how you arrive at the site, the pages you view, options you select, and the path you take through the site. By monitoring this information we’re able to make improvements to our sites.

We use analytics software such as Google Analytics to analyse page use, page interactions and the routes our customers take through our sites. These are known as ‘web metrics’. Analytics does not record any personal information you provide during an on-site purchase or any other process.

Optional Cookies

These cookies are usually supplied by our business partners and help us to filter out irrelevant messages or pop-ups and to make sure that we only send you information that’s interesting and relevant to you. Here’s a list of optional cookies and how they are used:

DoubleClick Cookies

Where we use online advertisers, these cookies are used to serve our Internet advertisements on other sites. Some of our web pages may contain electronic images that help us see how users interact on these pages. They may also provide DoubleClick with information about the interaction.

Marketing Cookies

These cookies help us tailor the advertisements you see on third party sites by understanding what interests you on our sites, such as the pages you view. We don’t combine this information with other personal information you provide us with.

Accepting & Blocking Cookies

You can block any cookies from any website through your browser settings. If you share the use of a computer, accepting or rejecting the use of cookies will affect all users of that computer.

Learn More About Cookies

You’ll find more information about cookies at which gives details on how to delete cookies from your computer. For information on how to do this on your mobile phone browser, please see your handset manual.